Uniform - Aims and Objectives

It is our policy that all children should wear school uniform when attending school, or when participating in a school event outside school hours. A complete list of the items needed for school uniform can be found below.

Our policy is based on the notion that a school uniform:

  • Promotes a sense of pride in the school
  • Encourages a feeling of community and belonging
  • Is practical and smart
  • Identifies the children with the school
  • Is not distracting in class
  • Has been ethically manufactured
  • Does not act as a barrier to parents when choosing a school
  • Will meet the needs of individual pupils to accommodate their religion, ethnicity, disability or other special consideration

Clothing & Footwear

  • Red or white polo shirt
  • Red jumper or cardigan
  • Grey or black trousers, shorts or a skirt
  • In the summer, red and white chequered dress
  • Black tights, black or white socks
  • Children are expected to wear sensible, black, school shoes.  Trainers must only be worn for PE lessons as they are sportswear items.  Boots may be worn to school in cold weather but should be removed when children enter school and replaced with school shoes.

PE Kit

  • A plain white t-shirt or their house T-Shirt
  • Plain black shorts or plain black tracksuit bottoms
  • Their red school jumper or their house hoodie
  • Children are expected to wear the required kit as it is part of the school uniform.
  • Suitable trainers

If you require any items with the school logo or a house T-shirt/hoodie, please visit Badged.


Jewellery and Make-Up

On health and safety grounds, we do not allow children to wear jewellery in school.  The only exception being plain earring studs in pierced ears – these must be covered or removed during PE lessons. Children may wear watches to school but please refrain from sending your child with a smart watch. 

Make-up is not permitted in school.  Children will be asked to remove this.


The school strongly discourages children from having haircuts or dyed hair that could serve as a distraction to other children.  Children with long hair should have it tied back for PE lessons for health and safety reasons.  Hair bands and clips should be in school colours which are red and white. 

We ask all parents and carers for their support of the school uniform policy. Parents should ensure that their child is in the correct school uniform and that it is clean and in good repair.  If any parent feels there is a good reason why their child should wear clothes that differ from the school uniform, for example due to a religious objection or a disability, please bring this to the attention of the head teacher.  

If a child does not wear the correct school uniform, a verbal or written (see letter in policies file) reminder of our expectations will be communicated to the parent/carers and children will be given the correct items to wear during the school day. We expect parents to support this.