Spring 2025
Mr Owen - UKS2 Lead & Eagles Teacher
Mrs Landstrom - Kestrels Teacher
Miss Hough - Hawks Teacher
Teaching Assistants - Miss Collins, Mrs Tatler, Mr Jones
What we will be learning this term:
Literacy |
On the Origins of the Species
Geography |
Why do oceans matter? |
Whole Class Reading |
Eagles – The Boy in the Tower Hawks – Crater Lake Kestrels – Room 13 |
Dreams and Goals |
Maths |
Y5 – Multiplication and Division Fractions Decimals and Percentages
Y6 – Ratio and Proportion Algebra Decimals |
Music |
Performance Poetry |
Science |
Living Things and Their Habitats |
Design and Technology |
Bridges |
RE |
Islam |
Computing |
Spreadsheets Databases |
PE |
Sequencing |
French |
Going to the market |
A few things to remember:
Eagles have PE on Monday
Hawks and Kestrels have PE on Friday
- Remember to wear the correct PE kit to school on PE days- black leggings/ jogging bottoms or shorts. White or house t-shirt. Wheelock fleece/ jumper or cardigan or house hoody for outdoor activities.
- Spare outdoor footwear must be brought into school to ensure footwear is changed and inside school remains clean.
Woodlands activities will take place this half term (Spring 1). Please ensure your child has suitable clothing for this activity.
Woodlands |
Hawks |
Monday |
Kestrels |
Tuesday |
Eagles |
Friday |
Home Learning -Spring term
Homework for Year 5 and Year 6 will be paper-based. This homework will be given out on a Friday to be returned by the following Thursday. The homework will consolidate current classwork and will consist of work of the following:
- 2 pages of work in the Maths CGP book
- a comprehension in your Comprehension CGP book
If you have any questions about Year 5 and Year 6 homework, please speak to Mr Owen before or after school.
In addition, children are expected to read frequently throughout the week (a minimum of three times). They may also access Freckle, TT Rockstars and Purple Mash and complete activities on Spellshed with the logins they have.
We will continue to use Accelerated Reader to support the children's reading journey; they should complete the associated book quiz each time they complete a book at home. Accelerated Reader will be used as the children's planner. Therefore, they must read and quiz regularly.
Please note - time can be provided in school to complete homework if required- please speak to your child's class teacher who will be happy to help.
Supporting your child's learning at home
There are a number of website which can be accessed from help to help support your child with their learning these include:
Times Tables Rock Stars (ttrockstars.com)
Learning to Read for Kids | Learn to Read with Phonics | Free Trial – Reading Eggs
Spelling Shed - Spelling Shed - The Science of Spelling
Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (topmarks.co.uk)
https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zf2f9j6/articles/z3c6tfr (touch-typing practice)
Children will be given all logins for online platforms.
https://global-zone61.renaissance-go.com/welcomeportal/6705703 Accelerated Reader
Accelerated Reader
Here is the link to access Wheelock's Accelerated Reader portal:
Use this link, your class code and your first and last name to log in.
Eagles class code: 32gr9a
Hawk class code: tku333
Kestrels class code: lands2
Important Dates for your Diary
Year 6 Bikeability - Wednesday 15th January and Thursday 16th January
Year 5 Bikeability - Friday 17th January
Year 6 parents
Key Stage 2 SATs week - Monday 12th May to Thursday 15th May 2025
Stanley Head Residential - Tuesday 20th May to Friday 23rd May 2025