Our Mission Statement

Children at Wheelock are taught to believe in themselves.

Children at Wheelock belong to an inclusive community where all are treated fairly.

Being kind is central to everything that we do at Wheelock. 

Believe     Belong    Be kind


Children leave Wheelock knowing that they have a credible place in a global society and being proud of who they are.

They are resilient people who embrace calculated risk taking and challenge, seeing small failures as necessary steps to achieve their full potential.

They understand their rights as human beings, they are listened to and they actively support other people to be able to access their rights.

What is No Outsiders?

At Wheelock Primary, we use  the book No Outsiders in our School: teaching the Equality Act in Primary Schools by Andrew Moffatt. This resource allows schools to deliver the objectives outlined in the Equality Act 2010 which make it against the law to discriminate against an individual because of a range of protected characteristics.

The No Outsiders resource provides lesson plans for each primary school year group (EYFS - Y6) based on a selection of picture books and is taught alongside our PSHE curriculum.

Issues addressed include: gender and gender identity, religion, race, sexual orientation, disability and age. The focus of the programme is around noticing, celebrating and developing resilience around diversity. Through discussion and activities based upon the picture books, pupils are encouraged to show respect and develop their understanding of diversity.

How will we do it?

Class teachers will deliver the programme throughout the year using developmentally appropriate picture books at least once per term.  This allows children to learn at an age appropriate level.

All school staff will promote and recognise the No Outsiders ethos as part of the school all day every day.

When possible, whole school and key stage assemblies will support and explore related topics and promote the inclusive ethos of Wheelock Primary.

Why is it important?

It is important we create a school culture in which children, staff and the whole school community work together to foster an environment of inclusivity through high-quality experiences.

It is vital that our pupils can discuss inappropriate and discriminative language and understand how to address boundaries in order to prepare them for a future in modern Britain.

We strive to ensure that our pupils are surrounded by a consistent message:

Believe, Belong, Be Kind

We will work alongside our families and parents to deliver this message of inclusivity. You are very welcome to call in to see your child’s class teacher to discuss this approach and to view the picture books we shall be using.

Link to our Rights Respecting Schools Award:

The work completed during No Outsiders sessions strongly supports our Rights Respecting Schools work.  In particular, teaching children about protected characteristics links to article 2 (no discrimination), article 8 (identity), article 14 (freedom of thought and religion, and article 30 (minority culture, language and religion). Find out more about our Rights Respecting Schools work by clicking this link!