Robins - Mrs Watts and Miss Thompson (Thursday and Friday)
Owls - Miss Davies
Teaching Assistants - Mrs Davies, Mrs Bell, Mrs Lewis and Mrs McCreery
Your child's learning this half term
Homework Expectations
The children will be set their homework every Thursday and it is to be completed by the following Wednesday.
Maths - A weekly Freckles activity will be set. This is personalised to your child's individual needs for practice. They are also encouraged to spend time on TT Rock stars.
Reading - Children are expected to read daily and record this in their reading journal. Journals will be checked by an adult every Wednesday.
Additional books and quizzes linked to your child's phonics level can be accessed on Oxford Reading Owl.
They will also bring home 'Reading For Pleasure' books weekly. These books are to be read and enjoyed with your child.
Spelling - The children are expected to complete 10 games on Spelling Shed each week that has been set to be linked with current learning.
Creative homework tasks - Below you will find a grid of other tasks that your child can complete at home. These mini projects can be brought in to share with the class.
Purple Mash- Your child also has access to Purple mash and if they wish, they can access this at home for extra practise.
Supporting your child's learning at home
There are a number of websites which can be accessed from home to help support your child with their learning these include:
Reading - Accelerated Reader
Spelling Shed - Spelling Shed - The Science of Spelling
Maths (Freckle)
Owls class code:
Robins class code:
Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (
Times Tables Rock Stars (
Any log ins that your child requires can be found in their planner.
Please contact your child's class teacher if these can not be found.
By the end of Year 2, pupils are expected to read and spell the words listed below. Please give your child the best chance at learning these by choosing a few each week and practising how to read and spell these.
Your child will be tested on these at the end of each half term to track their progress.
PE will be every Wednesday
We ask that all children have an appropriate pair of outdoor shoes in school for extra PE sessions and other outdoor learning.
Kit for PE
White t-shirt/house t-shirt/house hoodie
Black joggers/black leggings/black shorts
We ask that all children have a water bottle in school everyday.