Welcome to our Year 3 page! Here you will find details about the curriculum for Year 3 as well information about home learning expectations. 

Who will be supporting your children?

Sandpipers - Mrs Forrester & Miss Millward

Moorhens - Miss Wilkins & Mrs Lewis

Teaching Assistants - Miss Bulcock, Miss Wood, Miss Rose, Miss Campbell & Miss Purcell



Your child's learning this half term:




Other key information:

Year 3 will be starting the year with their Forest School sessions which will run until half term. Please ensure your child comes to school with suitable footwear and clothing. 

Moorhens - Wednesday                                   Sandpipers - Thursday


PE Days: 

Moorhens & Sandpipers - Tuesday


We ask that children have a water bottle and outdoor shoes with them at school every day. 


Home Learning

Children in Year 3 will be set weekly online homework. This will be set on a Monday evening and due in on the following Monday morning.

See the details below for what we expect the children to complete:


Pupils will be set a task on Freckle based on the learning that has taken place within the classroom. This is an opportunity for children to apply their knowledge independently and consolidate learning. Follow the link and enter the class code to access the homework.

Freckle Student Dashboard

Sandpipers class code: yec974                  Moorhens class code: a8wep2



Pupils will be set weekly spelling tasks on Spelling Shed which will allow for further practice of the spellings/rules that we have been focusing on within class. Children have been given their log in details. See below for an overview of the Y1 & 2 words as well as the Y3 & 4 word lists that we will be working on throughout the year.

EdShed Web Game - Spelling Shed and MathShed 


Although your child will be taught to read at school, you can have a huge impact on their reading journey by continuing their practice at home. Children will bring home a book that is based on their reading ability. We expect children to read at least 5 times a week. Once your child has completed a book, they will need to complete a quiz on Accelerated Reader. We will monitor the amount of words your child has read as well as their understanding of the text frequently. Children will be given stickers once they have completed quizzes and keep these as record of their reading throughout the year. Pupils have the log in and the link is as follows:

Renaissance Learning Login

TT Rockstars

All pupils have a log in for TT Rockstars. Times tables are a key part to the maths curriculum in Year 3 & 4. As pupils are tested on their recall of times tables in Year 4. We recommend at least 3 minutes a day in order to have an impact on their speed of recall.

Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (ttrockstars.com)