Our Team

Goldfinches - Mrs French

Woodpeckers- Miss Joyce

Teaching Assistants - Mrs Davies, Mrs Bell, Miss Bullcock

This half term your child will be learning about...

Homework Expectations 

The children in Year 1 will be set their homework every Wednesday and it is to be completed by the following Tuesday.


A weekly Freckles activity will be set. This is personalised to your child's individual needs for practice. 


Children are expected to read daily and record this in their reading record book. Planners are collected each week and checked by an adult when reading 1:1 with them. More information can be found on the Phonics page.

Additional books and quizzes linked to your childs phonics level can be accessed on Oxford Reading Owl.

Spelling -  Please see Tapestry to see which common exception words are being focused on during each week. 

Creative homework tasks - Your child willl also have a sheet in their reading diary and on Tapestry which details some creative things they could also complete at home. These will be linked to the topics they are covering in school. We would love you to send some pictures of these completed tasks so that we can add them to our class page and share them with the rest of the school. 

The table is attached to the bottom of this page if you can't find it in their reading record.


Our PE Day is Wednesday

Children will be taken out throughout the week to complete the Golden Mile and participate in additional PE sessions. We ask that all children have an appropriate pair of outdoor shoes for this. 

Kit for PE 

White t-shirt/house t-shirt/house hoodie

Black joggers/black leggings/black shorts


We ask that all children have a water bottle in school everyday. 


Year 1 will be taking part in forest school sessions in the Summer Term. Information will be sent out by email about this to tell you the dates nearer the time. 

Supporting your child's learning at home

There are a number of website which can be accessed from help to help support your child with their learning these include:

Learning to Read for Kids | Learn to Read with Phonics | Free Trial – Reading Eggs

Purple Mash by 2Simple - log ins will be in your child's reading diary

Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (topmarks.co.uk)

https://student.freckle.com/#/login (Freckle)

Any log ins that your child requires can be found in their reading record after they have been introduced to the children. Please contact your child's class teacher if these can not be found. 

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