Welcome to Reception!

Our Team

Mrs Taylor – Cygnet's Class Teacher & EYFS Lead

Mrs Grimson & Mrs Davenport – Puffling's Class Teachers

Mrs Blakemore – Teaching Assistant

Mrs Fogg– Teaching Assistant


Our Curriculum:

We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage statutory framework which stipulates what we teach. The characteristics of effective learning, which include: playing and exploring, active learning and creating and thinking critically are woven through our curriculum. The curriculum also requires the children to access learning both indoors and outdoors.

The statutory framework includes seven areas of learning and development. The first three areas are important to allow the children to show curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, develop further self-esteem and form relationships that will allow them to thrive. These areas are called ‘Prime areas’. Prime areas are:

Communication and Language – Listening Attention and Understanding and Speaking;

Physical Development – Gross Motor skills and Fine motor skills;

Personal, Social and Emotional Development – Self regulation, Managing self and Building relationships

The other four areas of learning are referred to as ‘Specific areas’. These areas help to develop essential skills and knowledge for children to participate successfully in society. Specific areas are:

Literacy – Comprehension, Word reading and Writing;

Mathematics – Number and Numerical patterns;

Understanding the World – Past and Present, People, Culture and Communities and The Natural World;

Expressive Arts and Design – Creating with Materials and Being Imaginative and Expressive.

Each area of learning is implemented through carefully planned, purposeful play and teacher directed activities in which practitioners have considered the individual needs, interests and stages of development of each child.

For more information on our curriculum please visit our Early Years Curriculum page.

Spring term 

Literacy text


Juniper Jupiter


Narrative: A Superhero Narrative

Non-Narrative: Letter

Little Red


Little Red







Narrative: A Traditional Tale




Mastering number


We will continue to develop their subitising and counting skills and explore the composition of numbers within and beyond 5. We will begin to identify when two sets are equal or unequal and connect two equal groups to doubles. We will begin to connect quantities to numerals.


White Rose


Block 8 – Mass and capacity

Block 10 – Length, height and time

Block 12 – Explore 3D shapes



Strong, warm and supportive relationships with adults in our setting enable us to learn how to understand their own feelings and those of others. We are supported to recognise and manage emotions, develop a positive sense of self, set ourselves simple goals, have confidence in our own abilities, to persist and wait for what we want and direct attention as necessary. Through adult modelling and guidance, we will learn how to look after our bodies, including healthy eating, and manage personal needs independently. Through supported interaction with other children, we will learn how to make good friendships, co-operate and resolve conflicts peaceably. These attributes will provide a secure platform from which we can achieve at school and in later life.




Dreams and Goals


Mental Well-being


What does it mean to feel proud?

Healthy Me Physical health and fitness / healthy eating.


How do we stay healthy and safe?

Communication and language

Articulate ideas and thoughts in simple



Talk about likes and dislikes.


Connect one idea or action to another

using a range of connectives.


Explore non-fiction books.


Listen to and talk about selected non-fiction to develop a familiarity

with new knowledge and vocabulary.


Retell a simple story with story language.


Recall key points from a story.

Give attention to what others say and begin to respond appropriately.


Describe events in some detail.


Use talk to help work out problems and

organise thinking and activities.


Explain how things work and why they

might happen.


Explore vocabulary and articulate ideas

and thoughts into well-formed sentences.


Use own story lines in play.

Physical Development

Further develop and refine a

range of ball skills.


Develop confidence,

competence, precision, and accuracy when engaging in activities that involve a ball.


Use an effective pencil grip. 


Develop skill when using a range of tools including scissors.

Negotiate space successfully and adjust speed and direction.


Know and

talk about the different

factors that support

their overall health and



Develop incresing control with a ball.


Form recognisable letters with an effective pencil grip.



     PE focus: Object manipulation

     PE focus: Target games

Understanding the world

Represent own day on a timeline.


Make observations and find new information about different places.


Understand that new information can be learned by asking questions.


Find out about countries with a cold climate through non-fiction texts, stories, visitors and celebrations.


Use positional language.


Begin to explore the Beebots and instruct a friend to move.


Begin to recognise that some environments are different to the one we live in.


Explore a range of maps including a map of the United Kingdom.



Describe an animal using some scientific vocabulary.


Understand that animals live in different habitats.


Develop a basic understanding of some habitats.


Describe some simple changes that happen in Winter.


Talk about changes in our own lifetime and what happens when we get older.


Describe familiar situations in the past when looking at old photographs or sharing stories.


Comment on simple changes and begin to understand that life was different in the past.


Find out about the past through non fiction texts, stories, visitors and celebrations.


Talk about key historical figures and describe their achievements. 

(Significant people


Talk about technology and how it can help us direct ourselves e.g google maps.


Programme a Bee Bot with increasing confidence.


Begin to understand human life cycles and how we grow and change.


Describe simple differences on how they look now and how they will look when they are older.


Describe some simple changes that happen in Spring.































































































Autumn Term


Supporting your child’s learning at home:

Reading at home

Although your child will be taught to read at school, you can have a huge impact on their reading journey by continuing their practice at home. Children will bring home a well matched decodable book and a reading for pleasure book. We expect children to read at home at least 5 times a week and a parent/guardian comment should be recorded in their reading diary each time they read.

Decodable book - Your child’s decodable reading book will be changed by their phonics group teacher weekly. Reading/listening to the same book multiple times will allow children to develop fluency, allows children to pick up new information, dive deeper into the meaning of the book, and make connections.

Reading for pleasure - In order to encourage your child to become a lifelong reader, it is important that they learn to read for pleasure. The sharing book is a book they have chosen for you to enjoy together. Please remember that you shouldn’t expect your child to read this alone. Read it to or with them. Discuss the pictures, enjoy the story, predict what might happen next, use different voices for the characters, explore the facts in a non-fiction book. The main thing is that you have fun!


We follow the Read Write Inc programme for Phonics. The new sounds and tricky words that we learn in Phonics will be put onto Tapestry which will include links to video clips to revisit the learning at home. Try to practise reading and writing these sounds at home.

More information on how we teach Phonics can be found here;


Weekly Home Challenges

On a Friday, we will set a challenge on Tapestry with a different focus. It may be linked to some of our learning from that week or the topic we are doing. The challenge can be completed any time that week. Please share pictures and/or videos on Tapestry when your child completes the challenge.

Most importantly, simply talk to them;

  • Describe: Talk about what you’re doing, where you are or what you see.
  • Ask: Ask open-ended questions (who, what, where, when, why), even if your child can’t respond with words.
  • Respond: Be sure to listen and respond to your child. Emphasise the back and forth in everyday activities by reacting to what your child does or says.
  • Repeat: Repeat words and/or echo what your child says and shows interest in.

Talk about weather, daytime, nigh time, road signs and street names. Talk about family - who is related to them. Talk about where they live - local places, buildings and landmarks, places you like to go together. Talk about likes and dislikes and why they have such likes or dislikes. Talk about things they see in the garden, pets, plants and natural things. 


Our PE lessons will take place on;

Tuesday - Pufflings 

Wednesday - Cygnets

Please remember;

  • To name all of your child's belongings. 
  • Send your child with a named water bottle in school every day filled with fresh water only. 
  • Reception children are offered free milk and fruit each day. If you wish to send in a snack for the morning, please ensure it is a healthy snack.
  • The children have daily access to the provision in our Reception outdoor area. We therefore ask for a pair of wellies and a puddle suit to be kept in school.  
  • During hot weather, please send in a sun hat and apply a once a day/10 hour sun cream in the morning. 

Useful links: 

Read Write Inc Phonics Guide: 



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